Our President, Grace Denny, is gone, having been ‘round the sun a hundred times’ to quote the graceful way in which her one hundredth birthday was announced at the turn of this year, which Gillian and I were privileged to attend, as we recently attended her memorial Service on behalf of ourselves and the Club.
Grace was a great lady, and a particular friend to many of the Scottish Clubs as well as our own; in addition to judging each year at our own Show, she judged regularly at each of the Scottish All Breed Shows for many years (decades rather), usually flying up from Norwich, near her home in East Anglia. She has been our own Club’s President for many years, often coming to attend its AGMs, and recently became President of the GCCF itself, a tribute to her many years in the Fancy. Starting her association with the Cat World among the Siamese, she bred and showed many beautiful examples of the breed, and her cats went all over the world. As a judge, ultimately in every one of the major sections, her presence was a great blessing to all Show Managers who will miss her greatly; in addition, she travelled to several continents to judge. She was also our personal friend and we enjoyed her company at innumerable shows where our paths met over many years. It is a particular pleasure to know that she judged at several Shows near to her home after her hundredth birthday, a record that may well never be equalled.
Bruce and Gillian Bennett
On behalf of the Siamese Cat Society of Scotland